Motion Design & Illustration
Untitled Project_USB_LWF_051721_Uncompressed_2021-06-02_12.00.49.jpg

Life Without Farmers

US Soy / Life Without Farmers

I recently had the opportunity to help create an animation for the U.S. Soybean Board about the importance of farmers and the complexity of the grocery store supply chain. Here are some of our favorite shots from the piece! To check out the full video click here.



Creating rough color studies was an easy way for us to test concepts early on. It allowed us to work quickly, try out color palettes and explore compositions before dedicating too much time to one design.


Animation & 3D

Throughout the process, we really loved exploring ways we could include 3d in our workflow. Having certain scenes/elements created in 3d helped by giving us the flexibility to see objects from different perspectives and allowed for camera moves that would be tough to fake in 2d. We wanted to make sure the elements created in 3D still had that rough illustrated look that we loved so much about the style frames. This was achieved using a mix of luminance and cel-shading in C4D, along with extra comping in AE to give it some roughness and that handmade feel.



Design and Animation
Justin Lemmon & Nick Parente

John Boros, MSL

Sound Design
Sono Sanctus